the best part about having a job where you have to help people who fucked up is that they inevitably blame you for their mistakes. normally it just involves being yelled at, which i'm cool with because at the point i usually pull up reddit and just dick around until they've gotten it out of their system. occasionally they request to speak with a supervisor which i'm also cool with because that means less work for me.
what i'm not cool with is being accused of assisted homicide. i had one person who messed up and ordered a bunch of trial offers for diet products. news flash people: everything that you buy over the phone is a scam. needless to say after a few months her credit limit was maxed. while she cried on the phone about how i need to help her she started saying i was killing her. now i'm one that's prone to hyperbole so i thought to myself this is no big deal.
but she was relentless. she had just recovered from a heart attack and with this "large debt" looming over her head she was going to head back to the hospital. her fate rested on my ability to recover her vast fortune.
so i'm not expecting her to live much longer.
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